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Innovation, Collaboration, Motivation, Efficiency
​Why Now?

1. Digital Divide- Nearly 90% of students have high speed internet, 43% do not have a dedicated device.   School devices are nearly at capacity. 

  • I would love to be able to keep in touch with my teachers that way.  It would also give me access to other things like the internet so I could publish my work if I wanted to.

  • My mother works at from home.  Her job entails many hours on the computer and telephone, notwithstanding, hours that my younger sister and I are home and also needing the computer.   It is an unbelievable inconvenience for the whole family, and tempers sometimes rise when it’s necessary for us to sacrifice time.

  • It seems somewhat impossible to be successful without access to a computer.

  • I will become more studious having a reliable and constant source and access to technology, rather than having to rely on others' generosity of their personal property.  I feel a burden will be lifted along with expanding academic opportunities for me.

Why 1:1?

​1.  All means all- equity for all students.

  • Technology use should be part of the environment not an event.

  •  Individual Devices Become Multi-Media Notebooks- Voice, image, written, typed and shared notes easily organized

  • Creation/Innovation Device- Students have 24/7 access to a powerful creation, communication, and innovation device.

  •  Uniform platform for learning-  Allows teachers to collaborate and share ideas, plans, assessment tools and other learning tools.

  • Universal Design- Digital devices can benefit students who have difficulty learning.  Voice-to-text, Text-to-Voice, digital dictionaries, and resources can help make learning more fluid.

Quotes from Green River Scholarship Applicants
This program would enable me to work on [the device] and when I’m done, I can have one of my sister’s use it so we don’t have to stay up as late working.

It would help me be able to work whenever and wherever making it so I can get stuff done faster.

I could always have a computer to make sure the facts are straight, take the online quizzes for different classes, or be able to send a paper to a teacher even if I was out of school.

It would be so much easier for me to just be able to do my work at home and not have to go to the college library, or a public library to do work because my sister is using the laptop for her own school work. 

I would love to be able to keep in touch with my teachers that way.  It would also give me access to other things like the internet so I could publish my work if I wanted to.

My mother works at from home.  Her job entails many hours on the computer and telephone, notwithstanding, hours that my younger sister and I are home and also needing the computer.   It is an unbelievable inconvenience for the whole family, and tempers sometimes rise when it’s necessary for us to sacrifice time.

It seems somewhat impossible to be successful without access to a computer.

I will become more studious having a reliable and constant source and access to technology, rather than having to rely on others' generosity of their personal property.  I feel a burden will be lifted along with expanding academic opportunities for me.

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